Adding User-Created Vessel


Use the Vessel tool to add a user-created vessel.


  1. Click Vessel on the vessel diagram toolbar.
  2. On an existing vessel, click the point of origin for the new vessel. A red edit point displays to indicate the first point of the new vessel.
  3. Click the vessel path. Each click adds a new point to the vessel path.
  4. Double-click the last point to display the user-created vessel.
  5. Optional: Click the Vessel tool or press the ESC key to turn off the Vessel tool.


Synapse replaces the points with a user-created vessel and displays a generic label to identify the new vessel. Synapse adds the properties for the user created segment in the Segment tab of the properties panel.

If you make anatomy changes to a vessel diagram which is part of a patient study, including the repositioning of segments or the addition and deletion of vessels, grafts and collaterals, Synapse uses these changes in the base diagram for any new studies for that patient. See Carrying Over Vessel Diagram Data.

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Deleting Vessel Diagram Figures