Adding a Stent to a Vessel Diagram


Use the stent tool to add stents to lesions or to vessel segments. You can add a stent to a lesion that is contained within an aneurysm. A stent within an aneurysm is the same as a stent within an ordinary segment.


  1. Do any of the following:
  2. If you want to do this ...

    Complete these steps ...

    Add a stent and lesion.

    • Click the Stent tool on the vessel diagram toolbar.
    • Click the first point of the stent.
    • Click the second point of the stent.
    • Optional: Drag the endpoints to resize the stent.

    Add a single-click stent to an existing lesion.

    • Click the Stent tool on the vessel diagram toolbar.
    • Click the lesion. Synapse adds the stent to the lesion.
    • Optional: Drag the endpoints to resize the stent and lesion.
    • Note: You cannot use the single click method on bifurcated or trifrucated lesions.

    Change the type of stent.

    • Click the stent in the vessel diagram.
    • In Treatments tab, select a stent from the Type drop-down list.

    Resize the stent without resizing the lesion.

    • Right-click the stent and select Resize Stent Only. The stent points display.
    • Click and drag the endpoints to resize the stent.
    • Note:
      • Stents that are independently resized from their associated lesion independently carry over to future studies.
      • When repositioning the endpoints of a stent, you can make a stent shorter than a lesion, but you cannot make the stent longer than the lesion it is treating.

    Add a kissing stent.

    Add a stent through the properties panel.

    Turn off the Stent tool.

    • Click the Stent tool or press ESC key.


Synapse adds a stent to the lesion. Synapse adds a Treatment and an Attempt section to the properties panel for that lesion.

When you use the Stent tool to draw a stent directly on a vessel (as opposed to when you click a lesion to add the stent), Synapse automatically creates a lesion and stent in the vessel diagram and displays lesion and stent properties in the properties panel. By default, Synapse then assigns the lesion a stenosis of 70% and TIMI Flow of 3% (where TIMI Flow is applicable). The properties of that lesion must be manually updated to reflect the correct stenosis.

Callouts display supported Lesion properties as configured for your site.

Related Topics

Adding a Prior Stent

Displaying and Editing Callouts