Adding an Aneurysm to a Vessel Diagram


Use the aneurysm tool in a vessel diagram to add an aneurysm.

  • An aneurysm can span multiple vessel segments.
  • You cannot drag an aneurysm into bifurcated or trifurcated vessel segments.


  1. Click the Aneurysm tool on the vessel diagram toolbar .
  2. Click the first point within a vessel segment.
  3. Click the second point within a vessel segment.
  4. Do any of the following:
  5. If you want to do this ...

    Complete these steps ...

    Change the length of the aneurysm.

    • Click the aneurysm to display the endpoints.
    • Drag the endpoints to resize the aneurysm.

    Change the properties of an aneurysm.

    • In the properties panel, click the Aneurysm tab.
    • Update the properties as necessary.

    Turn off the Aneurysm tool.

    • Click the Aneurysm tool or press the ESC key.


The associated properties display in the Aneurysms tab of the properties panel. Aneurysms that are added to a vessel diagram are automatically propagated to subsequent studies.

Related Topics

Aneurysm Overview