Adding a Stent Graft to a Vessel Diagram


The Clinical Reporting Application (CRA) supports stent grafts, Endovascular Aneurysm Repair (EVAR), and Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) in Invasive Peripheral Vascular (PV) and non-invasive vascular (NIV) vessel diagrams.


You can have only one EVAR stent graft on a vessel diagram.


  1. Do any of the following:
  2. If you want to do this ...

    Complete these steps ...

    Create a TEVAR.

    • Click Stent Graft on the vessel diagram toolbar.
    • Click the first point on an aorta vessel segment.
    • Click the second point on an aorta vessel segment.
    • Optional: Drag the endpoints to resize the stent graft.

    Results: Synapse adds an aneurysm, a stent graft, and a 0% pre- and post- stenosis lesion under the stent graft.

    Create an EVAR.

    • Click Stent Graft on the vessel diagram toolbar.
    • Click the aorta vessel segment.
    • Click the second point on one iliac vessel and click the third point on the opposing lateral iliac vessel.
    • Optional: Drag the endpoints to resize the stent graft.
    • Note: You cannot drag the proximal endpoint below the dAo vessel segment and you cannot drag the distal endpoints above the pCIA vessel segments.

    Results: Synapse adds three aneurysms, a stent graft to the vessel diagram, and a 0% pre- and post- stenosis lesion under the stent graft.

    Create stent graft.

    • Click Stent on the vessel diagram toolbar.
    • In the Treatment tab of the properties panel, select Stent Graft from the treatment Type drop-down list.
    • Optional: Drag the endpoints to resize the stent graft.
    • Note: The pre- and post- stenosis lesion does not change under the stent graft.

    Results: Synapse changes the stent to a stent graft.

    Change the type of aneurysm for an EVAR or a TEVAR.

    Turn off the Stent Graft tool.

    • Click the Stent Graft tool or press the ESC.


The aneurysms and stent grafts are separate both in the EVAR and the TEVAR allowing you to adjust or delete aneurysms independent of the stent graft.

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