Importing Vessel Diagram Data


Synapse imports vessel diagram data, such as lesions, grafts, and treatments from a hemodynamic system. The vessel diagram is typically populated by importing data with the General Purpose Importer (GPI) or by manually entering data in the diagram in the clinical report Workspace.

GPI polls folders for new data from configured external systems, such as a hemodynamic system. When found, Synapse imports the data into the Synapse database. When GPI polls the Synapse database and identifies new data for the vessel diagram, the system response varies depending on whether the data was previously imported into the diagram and then reviewed and saved.


If you re-import data and re-execute AutoSummary when data needs to be reconciled, this can cause duplicate statements.

Reviewing Imported Data


You can review, accept or reject new, unreconciled data.

When new, imported data is available to review, the New Data tool becomes available in the vessel diagram toolbar. This occurs after the hemodynamic system sends an updated hemodynamic file. All new lesion data must be reconciled before finalization by selecting: Add, Forget, or Update as noted in step 2.


  1. Click New Data to open the Reconcile New Data dialog box.
  2. To reconcile the new data, make a selection from the Action drop-down list:

    • Add: New data is accepted and added to the vessel diagram. This includes: all unreconciled lesions, treatments and attempts, and inventory from the hemodynamic system.
    • Forget: New data is rejected and deleted and will not be added to the vessel diagram.
    • Ignore: New data will not be processed and will remain on the Reconcile New Data list. Ignored items should be applied to the appropriate diagram.
    • Update: New data replaces all treatments, attempts, and inventory with data from the hemodynamics system, while preserving any lesion properties that you modified. For lesions that cannot be reconciled, because the segment does not exist in the current diagram, select either Ignore or Forget.
    • Note:

      You cannot update a lesion with multiple imported lesions.

  3. After you have made all of the selections to reconcile new data, select Apply to finalize the selected options or select Ignore to cancel.


In the Reconcile New Data dialog box, Synapse sorts lesions by segment name and lists any lesions that can be reconciled in the current diagram at the top of the list. The example in the image had the following update results:

  • Forget - Mild Right Coronary Artery Lesion (Stenosis = 90%): New data is being rejected and deleted and will not be added to the vessel diagram.
  • Update Lesion1 (95%>0%): The new data was added to Lesion1.
  • Update Lesion3 (): The new data created a new lesion. In this example, that is Lesion3.

Related Topics

Vessel Diagrams Overview

Data Sources