Adding a Graft to a Vessel Diagram


Use the graft tool to draw grafts on a vessel diagram. By default, Synapse selects the graft type based on the origin of the graft.

You can import vessel grafts from a hemodynamic system and display them in a vessel diagram if Synapse can identify the anastomosis segments.


  1. Click Graft on the vessel diagram toolbar.
  2. Click the starting anastomosis for the graft on an existing vessel segment.
    A hollow point (gray outline with white center) indicates the first point of the graft.
  3. Click the white space multiple times to define the path of the graft.
    Each click displays a red point.
  4. Click the ending anastomosis site on the destination vessel segment.
  5. Click the ending anastomosis again to complete the graft.
  6. Do any of the following:
  7. If you want to do this ...

    Complete these steps ...

    Change the graft type.

    • In the Segment tab of the properties panel, select a Graft Type from the drop-down list.
    • Graft Color Designations are specific to the type of grafts.

    View or update graft information.

    • In the Segment tab of the properties panel, review or update the graft properties.

    Turn off the Graft tool.

    • Click the Graft tool or press the ESC key.


Synapse displays the graft on the vessel diagram.

If you make anatomy changes to a vessel diagram that is part of a patient study, including the repositioning of segments and the addition and deletion of vessels, grafts, and collaterals, Synapse applies these changes in the base diagram for any new studies for that patient.

Additional Information

Related Topics

Graft Overview

Creating a Sequential Graft

Deleting Vessel Diagram Figures